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Clancy's Commentary: AG opens investigation French Quarter murder

Thibodaux’s violent, senseless death both saddens and angers us all.

NEW ORLEANS — The murder of French Quarter tour guide Kristie Thibodaux has brought renewed attention to the local electronic ankle monitoring system. 

That’s the topic of this week’s Commentary by WWL Louisiana political analyst and Gambit columnist Clancy DuBos. 

Somebody needs to put the “monitor” back into the local electronic ankle monitoring system. That’s the gist of comments by Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill after French Quarter tour guide Kristie Thibodaux was shot and killed during an apparent armed robbery attempt. 

Police have arrested three teens, one of them a 15-year-old who was ordered to wear an ankle monitor after a previous offense. Murrill released a statement calling the monitoring system “broken” and a complete waste of time and money if no one is actually, you know, monitoring it. She’s right. 

Kristie Thibodaux’s violent, senseless death both saddens and angers us all. Hopefully, it will also spur changes that could prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again. 

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