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Flooding a major concern as Ida approaches New Orleans

Closing the gates gives enough time for Louisiana residents to prepare to make sure their property is safe.

NEW ORLEANS — Organizations are preparing ahead of Tropical Storm Ida before it makes landfall in Southeast Louisiana.

Leaders with the Southeast Flood Protection Authority East say they are confident the system they have can protect people as best as possible in case of a major weather event.

"We start preparing for hurricane season the day after the last one ends," Kelli Chandler, the Regional Director for the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority East, said.

SLFPA East officials said the organization monitors nearly 200 of miles of levees plus floodgates and pumping stations designed to protect Orleans and Jefferson Parishes like this one on Lakeshore Drive.

"We exercised all the gates the system is in good condition we are confident it's going to perform as designed, we get storm surge predictions and based on those predictions we that signals which gates we should close," Chandler said.

Closing the gates gives enough time for Louisiana residents to prepare to make sure their property is safe.

"Tested a couple of times, we know how to prepare we have a lot of water, and we have everything we need," Tiffany Guidry a Louisiana resident said.

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