There is a heat advisory Tuesday, but the conditions, while hot, would not normally be triggered by the temperatures in the forecast today.
The temperatures will be in the low to mid 90s with a heat index up to 103 degrees. A heat advisory normally kicks in around a heat index of 110.
The National Weather Service says that it has reconfigured or reworded its threshold for a heat advisory because the power is out and most people can’t go into air-conditioned areas to cool off – even for short periods, especially when people are sleeping.
“You have got to be extra careful, your body can overheat when you’re not cooling off when you’re sleeping,” said WWL-TV Meteorologist Payton Malone. “You’ve got to be careful. One of the big problems after a hurricane is heat exhaustion.
Malone said some relief could be coming as the humidity will fall a bit starting on Friday.