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Saints are 'best in the NFL'; What they're saying nationally

We have entered a world where Sean Payton is strutting like a peacock while talking about his defense after games.

NEW ORLEANS — Here are the top New Orleans Saints stories WWL-TV is following this Monday morning:

Forecast: Saints are the best in the NFL, even without Drew Brees

The New Orleans Saints are 5-1 and have won football games scoring 12 and 13 points. We have entered a world where Sean Payton is strutting like a peacock while talking about his defense after games. (READ MORE)


What they're saying nationally about the Saints 4th straight win

It may not have been pretty, but the Saints went on the road and won a game with a defense that did not give up a touchdown, defeating the Jacksonville Jaguars 13-6 Sunday. Here's a sampling of what some are saying after Sunday's win in Jacksonville. (READ MORE)


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