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Alvin Kamara airheads arrive in New Orleans, but aren't for sale -- YET!

Rumor has it that if you're in the right place at the right time Thursday night, you might get your hands on one.

NEW ORLEANS -- When Saints running back Alvin Kamara tweeted a picture of Airheads candy with his picture on the wrapper, in less than a week, already nearly 15,000 people "liked" it.

And now they are asking to be among the first to try his new "Watermelon Zoom" flavor.

WWL-TV got an exclusive sneak peak when the first shipment arrived in the city.

Everyone knows Alvin Kamara has a love affair with Airheads candy as much as the end zone has a love affair with him.

"I know he eats them on the sidelines on a regular basis. He gives them to fans when he scores," said Hali Scott, the Candy Category Manager at Imperial Trading Company.

In case you don't know what Airheads are, it's a sweet, fruity, taffy-looking candy that's been around since 1985. But now, number 41 could boost it to number one, with a special order of Airheads with his picture on them.

At 7 a.m. Friday, a special rush order shipment arrived at the Imperial Trading Company warehouse in Elmwood.

"This is the only order that's being shipped into Louisiana and it's going to one customer today, and I'm sure that customer has something very special they're going to do with it tomorrow," said John Georges, Owner of Imperial Trading Company.

A half-of-a-billion dollars a year of candy comes through Imperial, the largest candy wholesaler in the south. Then it goes to stores for you to buy. But this time, the special pallet was sent to an undisclosed location.

"My phone's been going off all morning since about 7 this morning, people, my husband, my friends, texting me finding out if I have them, seen them, do I know anything about them, because everybody wants them from here all the way to New York," Scott said.

Social Media has fans, including a man from Ohio, pleading for some.

"Everybody in the country wants it, but it's only available here in New Orleans and right now. Only Alvin Kamara has it," Georges said.

And word on the street is, if you're in the right place, at the right time, 'Saintsgiving' night, maybe, just maybe, the hottest candy around with the hottest player's face on it, could wind up as a gift in your hands.

The special Kamara Airheads will eventually be sold in stores, but the date is still not known.

Meg Farris can be reached at mfarris@wwltv.com.

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