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Demario Davis "blown away" by daughter's recovery from "worst" epileptic seizure - Thanks Jesus

During a press conference Demario Davis talked about his 4-year-old daughter's epileptic episode over the weekend.


After the Saints' victory on Sunday, linebacker Demario Davis used his time at a post-game press conference to talk about an even bigger victory - his daughter’s miraculous recovery from an epileptic seizure on Friday.  

Davis said that Sundays are the Lord’s Day but that people sometimes worship the players on the field on Sundays and some don’t make it to church on Sundays, so he said he was going to preach from post-game pulpit.  

Davis’ talked about how his 4-year-old daughter had an epileptic episode while playing with friends at their home. During post-game interviews, instead of answering questions about the game, Davis took a moment to share a heartwarming story about his family and faith.  

He saw his daughter foaming at the mouth and seizing and the family called paramedics.   

Davis said his wife rode in the ambulance to the hospital while he followed in his car, praying all the while.  

“You can imagine the thoughts racing through your mind. The last sight you see of your daughter, she’s totally out of it.”   

When he got to the hospital, he was told his daughter had stopped breathing twice along the way.  

Davis cited a Bible passage from the Book of Revelation about God knocking at your door, and if you let him in, he will dine with you.   

As he and his wife stayed in the hospital room, Davis said he received his “knock” from the Lord early Saturday morning as his daughter talked to him.  

The next morning, he said she was talking clearly and concisely. Davis said that normally people recovering from seizures aren’t talking clearly for days, but his daughter was speaking clearly soon after the seizure. 

Davis said he wanted the press to know that even though football players are idolized by fans, they are normal people with normal, sometimes challenging issues.   

He said the Lord knocked at his door, and he let him in.   

"She woke up talking clearer than she had before,” he said.  “We get to play in this game and it’s great ... when we leave this game we go back to being regular people ... and people are waiting for a knock and Jesus says he’s knocking at the door and all you have to do is open it.” 

Davis said he wished for not only that his daughter to recover, but that she would be better than before.   

“God gave me just what I asked for, plus some,” he said. “I was blown away.”  

Davis said he would talk football again next week, but for now, his advice to everyone who heard his words, was to listen for the knock and to let the Lord in. 

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