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Local political analysts weigh in ahead of Republican National Convention

Following the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, political analysts are sharing their opinions ahead of this RNC.

NEW ORLEANS — Following the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, political analysts are sharing their opinions ahead of the Republican National Convention this week.

Political Analyst Ron Faucheux says Saturday's shooting will possibly strengthen Trump's position; he said, "It will harden his supporters. I expect he will see an incredible welcome in an ovation for him when he appears before the convention this week."

He says it also raises questions about whether President Joe Biden will stay in the race. Faucheux said, "The big question is does this affect President Biden's decision to stay in the race... whether this could jolt him into re-thinking that."

Political Analyst Clancy DuBos says the attempted assassination will change the tone at this RNC. He says politicians on both sides of the aisle need to consider this a political wake-up call. He says everyone needs to start thinking about what they say before they say it.

DuBos said, "On all sides especially frankly the Republican side need to tone down the rhetoric and I hope that even former President Trump recovers quickly but I hope he turns down some of his rhetoric."

Faucheux agrees, saying, "I think something like this is probably a warning to both sides that you can still punch hard without doing it unfairly and without doing it with a nasty, hateful edge."

The Republican National Convention starts Monday in Milwaukee.

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