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Loyola ‘tailgate’ overshadows Westboro Baptist Church protest

The Westboro Baptist Church arrived around 9 a.m. and picketed for about 25 minutes before leaving.

NEW ORLEANS – Loyola University students and alumni drowned out protesters with the Westboro Baptist Church Thursday with a ‘tailgate’ as the church members briefly picketed outside the Uptown campus.

The church planned to protest outside of Loyola’s St. Charles Avenue campus to preach against “sins and sinful teaching” that its members say happens on campus. About 4-5 members arrived around 9 a.m. and picketed for 25 minutes near the intersection of St. Charles Avenue and Calhoun Street before leaving.

The church members held signs that included statements like "America is Doomed" and "Priests are Liars."

"This city saw Katrina, and they didn't do one thing to change their miserable, disobedient, rebellious ways," one church member said.

Loyola sent an email to students earlier this week condemning hatred and bigotry and discouraging students from posting about the church on social media.

Despite the warning, alumni and students organized a counter-protest “tailgate” as “a cheerful celebration of equality, tolerance and personal freedom.”

The Westboro Baptist Church is based in Topeka, Kansas, and is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The group has gained national attention for inflammatory protests, harsh anti-gay beliefs and crude signs.

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