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Un-Real Estate update: alleged scammer a no-show in court Thursday

A federal bankruptcy judge ordered Jonathan Burden to appear to answer allegations that he seized a fourplex.

NEW ORLEANS — The man some property owners accuse of scamming them out of their homes in WWL-TV’s ongoing series, “Un-Real Estate," was a no show in federal court on Thursday.

A federal bankruptcy judge ordered Jonathan Burden to appear, to answer allegations that he seized a Central City fourplex from a woman’s bankruptcy estate.

Johnnie Robinson said he hoped to hear from the man he claims stole his sister’s building after she died this past January.

He filed a lawsuit against Burden, a New Orleans real estate investor, alleging Burden filed documents to take ownership of the distinctive yellow house.

Robinson, the sole heir to his sister’s property testified that his sister Lorraine never mentioned meeting Burden or signing any documents.

“I’m hoping some justice is done,” Robinson said. “He done messed over too many people, man.”

Judge Meredith Grabill ordered Burden into court to pay back the rents he’s collected and to explain why he shouldn’t face sanctions. Neither Burden nor a representative from his company appeared.

After a hearing that lasted about an hour and a half, the judge determined Burden ignored the court’s order not to transfer any of the property in the Robinson estate.

Attorney Jonathan DeTrinis is Robinson’s attorney.

“Now it’s been found that Mr. Burden willfully violated that bankruptcy’s automatic stay and attempted to steal property from the estate,” DeTrinis said.

At least seven property owners have sued Burden since 2019, accusing him of tricking them into signing allegedly bogus property transfers.

“Another good victory on our side, showing Mr. Burden he can’t do what he thinks he can do and just continue to make victims in this city," DeTrinis said

Judge Grabill said she would consider all the evidence submitted and testimony given and decide on the actual dollar amount of Jonathan Burden’s sanctions at a later date. The sanctions are expected to include Robinson legal fees, along with punitive damages.

Some of Burden’s alleged victims told WWL-TV, they have been interviewed by federal agents.

Efforts to hold him accountable for his alleged misdeeds are ongoing.

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