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SWBNO: Pump failure caused in part by vandalism, theft

Sewerage and Water Board Executive Director Ghassan Korban says Drainage Pump Station 6 was targeted by vandals or people trying to steal cable.

NEW ORLEANS — Drainage Pumping Station number 6, on the Jefferson, Orleans Parish line was not working at its maximum capacity during last week’s extended downpour.

These pumps drain parts of New Orleans from Lakewood South through Hollygrove and the Riverbend.

Sewerage and Water Board Executive Director Ghassan Korban says DPS 6 was targeted by vandals or people trying to steal cable.

“We’re talking about a serious offense here,” Korban said. “When you are actually cutting into a cable that delivers power from our generators to a pump, you’re interfering with the pumping of the city.”

The compromised electrical feeder lines cut power to two of the 12 pumps at the station.

 That led to higher canal levels which meant it took longer for storm water to drain from some city streets.

 “The consequences of these actions are very dire and could be catastrophic,” Korban said.

Korban said he is working with Orleans District Attorney Jason Williams to establish tougher consequences for criminals who vandalize utility property.

“If someone’s vandalism is making it difficult for pumps and turbines to operate the way they need to operate, I want those cases referred to my office some we can prosecute them, Williams said.

"The penalty should fit the crime," the DA added. "This is someone who was causing harm whether it’s people’s cars or people’s homes. It’s a very big deal. People call us the Big Easy for a lot of things. This is not something we can be easy on.”

Sewerage and Water Board officials say this is just one more challenge of many, including catch basins that don’t drain and not enough electricity to run all the city’s drainage pumps.

“That’s the last thing we need given the fragility of our system,” Korban said.

The water board now plans to beef up security around critical equipment and conduct additional inspections to make sure the drainage system is working properly before a big storm hits.  

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