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Sign posted at City Park warns of alligator in the waters

NEW ORLEANS – It’s no surprise that sometimes alligators get into the lagoons at City Park, but a sign posted recently sends an eerie warning about the creatures we share space with.

The signs warn visitors that an alligator has been seen roaming the waters of the park.

Although a state-licensed trapper has been hired, visitors are warned to stay out of the water, not to feed the wildlife and to keep pets on a leash.

One resident said he spotted an alligator near Morning Call.

City Park officials said if an alligator appears in areas south of I-610, where most visitors go, they immediately call wildlife experts.

If we see an alligator, we report it immediately, and no matter how big it is, we work with Wildlife and Fisheries and trappers to get rid of it," said City Park spokesman John Hopper.

There’s a different policy in the area north of I-610, where trappers are only called out if the alligator is larger than five feet.

However, no matter what park of the park visitors are in, they’re warned to stay out of the water.

"There's no swimming in City Park lagoons, so neither children nor adults should be in the lagoons swimming," Hopper concluded.

Officials said while a trapper has been hired, the gator hasn't been caught yet.

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