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Neighbors complain about trash, parking problems around Nice Guys Nola

Residents say the noise has gotten very loud. They also say trash, long lines spilling into the neighborhood, people blocking right of ways and more are frustrating.

NEW ORLEANS — In just a few years, Nice Guys Nola, has gained thousands of followers on social media and packed brunches every weekend.  

Nearby residents say they were happy to see a local business thriving, especially through the peak of the pandemic.  

“At first it was a positive experience,” Taylor Burnam, who lives nearby said. “Everything was good between us as neighbors as the business became more successful as we segued out of the pandemic and the business became more popular.” 

But now, residents say that growing attention is affecting their quality of life. Tuesday, the New Orleans Alcoholic Beverage Control board had a nuisance hearing about Nice Guys Nola.  

 “Things, I would say following early 2022, so winter 2022, I’d say that’s when we, my wife and I that’s who I live with, that’s when we really started to feel some negative consequences living behind the business,” Burnam said.  

Residents say the noise has gotten extremely loud. They also say trash, long lines spilling into the neighborhood, people blocking right of ways and more are frustrating. Residents say they’ve brought these concerns to the business owners, and during the early stages of the business, the business owners would be communicative.  

“We had a meeting with the neighbors inside the building to hash things out to say look we’re the neighbors. We’ve been kind of sitting by and not really complaining to the city. We don’t want it to come to that we respect you as business owners,” Burnam said.  

But now, residents say it’s gotten to a point where something needs to be done.  

“We would constantly come home and find our driveways blocked by staff,” another nearby resident said.  “{An employee] blocked my car into my driveway. So she saw my car parked in my driveway and still chose to park in front of my driveway blocking me in for the day.” 

Aside from resident complaints, there’s also been city violations by the restaurant. According to the city, Nice Guys Nola has not properly received permits for things such as expansions, parking and live entertainment. Also, a noise complaint inspection done by the health department showed the restaurant was more than 10 decibels over the allowed limit.  

Tuesday, the restaurant’s owners didn’t comment much about the complaints, but they did emphasize they believe they’re an asset to the city.  

“We care about our community and we built that community and we worked hard. You know how hard it is to get tourists to come off Bourbon because they’re scared of New Orleans,” owner Allison Charles said. “We have a lot of beauty. They need to see it and Earhart gives that to them.” 

Nearby residents and a city representative say they don’t want to see the restaurant shut down, but they do want to see compliance so the quality of life isn’t so heavily affected.  

The board said they will come to a decision during their next meeting in September.  


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