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The 6 NOPD Chief semifinalists: A closer look

We know they all have backgrounds in policing, but beyond their resumes, who are they? Let’s take a closer look.

NEW ORLEANS — Six candidates are in the running to become the next NOPD Chief.

We know they all have backgrounds in policing, but beyond their resumes, who are they? Let’s take a closer look.

Thedrick Andres

Andres retired from the top position at the Henderson Police Department in Nevada, earlier this year. According to the Associated Press, three months before he stepped down, two police unions made a vote of "no confidence" against him.

According to 8 News Now, a CBS station in Las Vegas, a Nevada police group said Andres had an “inherent lack of leadership” and created a hostile work environment.  Including harassment of LGBTQIA plus officers.

Andres has also been accused of fatally shooting a man in the chest, while off duty at a party, according to the Victoria Advocate in Texas. They report that there are conflicting accounts of the incident, but the case was ultimately dismissed by a grand jury. A civil suit was later brought.

Jarad Phelps

Phelps is the deputy chief of police in Prince William County in Virginia. He went to the FBI Academy.

According to the Prince Williams Times in Virginia, Phelps took full responsibility when his police department deployed tear gas and rubber bullets against protestors after George Floyd was killed. The article reports, Phelps mentioned a communication breakdown that happened during the protest. Phelps said “that is on me. I take full responsibility for all that,” according to the Prince Williams Times.

Deshawn Beaufort

Beaufort is the current Inspector at the Philadelphia Police Department and has 22 years of experience in law enforcement.

Beaufort was allegedly involved in a road rage incident, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. The article reports a man almost struck Beaufort while driving, the man was apprehended and charged with making terroristic threats. According to the Inquirer, Beaufort was transferred out of his department and denied a promotion.

Beaufort was in the running to become Miami’s Police Chief. At the time, Miami Times reported Beaufort said policing is at a precipice and officers need to be held accountable.

David Franklin

Franklin is the former Chief of Staff for the Albuquerque Police and has 27 years of supervisory level of experience. According to the Denver Gazette, Franklin withdrew from the Aurora Police Chief search when it got down to the final two.

Anne Kirkpatrick

Kirkpatrick is the former Chief of Police of Oakland California.

She was awarded $1.5 Million after she was wrongfully terminated from the department, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. According to the Oakland Side, Kirkpatrick maintained she was fired as retaliation for whistleblowing.

Kirkpatrick has been accused of wrongfully terminating a detective while working in Spokane, Washington, according to the Oakland side. Kirkpatrick was also accused by a federal monitor, according to the Oakland Side, of failing to properly investigate officers who fatally shot a homeless man. The monitor blamed command staff and said Kirkpatrick failed to correct mistakes at every level of the investigation, according to the Oakland Side. 

Michelle Woodfork

Woodfork currently serves as the Interim NOPD Chief. A previous WWLTV investigation uncovered allegations of domestic violence against Woodfork. She received multiple suspensions, a demotion and a letter of reprimand. A spokesperson for the department, told WWLTV at the time the incidents do not reflect who she is today. 

All 5 outside candidates have previously gone up for other police chief positions across the country, including in San Antonio, Miami and Kansas City.


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