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New Orleans faces stiff competition for 2019-2020 Super Bowl

The NFL picked New Orleans, Atlanta, Miami and Tampa to bid on the 2019 and 2020 Super Bowls.

NEW ORLEANS - The Crescent City is a fan favorite to host its 11th Super Bowl.

But, in today's NFL, it's a lot more complicated than that.

"Obviously, we know from past history that the NFL owners have a tendency to award Super Bowls to city that have invested in new stadiums or significant upgrades to their existing stadiums," Mercedes-Benz Superdome General Manager Alan Freeman said.

The NFL picked New Orleans, Atlanta, Miami and Tampa to bid on the 2019 and 2020 Super Bowls.

Miami's stadium is getting a $400 million facelift. Atlanta is set to open a new $1.5 billion stadium in 2017.

Wednesday, the Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District Board (LSED), the Superdome's governing authority discussed the Super Bowl bid.

"It looks as if Atlanta, which is building a new stadium is going to go hard after 2019," Superdome/SMG Executive Vice President Doug Thornton told the board. "So, I would imagine that our efforts would be focused on 2020."

Saints Quarterback Drew Brees said the Superdome is on par with any venue in the league.

"It's a no brainer," he said. "They should just give (The Super Bowl) to us right now."

Brees maintains, when it comes to the league's premier event, the NFL should look beyond who has the latest and greatest stadium.

"There's more to the game than just the game, you know from the standpoint of how the NFL looks at it. It's sponsorships. It's the people who are coming to be entertained. What's in and around the stadium and the venue and the game for them. I don;t think anyone would put up an argument that New Orleans has everything to offer in that regard."

Superdome managers says the state is prepared to make another $40 million investment in upgrades and improvements to the facility over the next couple of years. But, they say the one thing they won't do is build a new stadium just to get another Super Bowl.

"To spend the kind of money that these new stadiums require, which is well over a billion dollars just for the hopes of getting a Super Bowl, I think is foolhardy," Freeman said.

League owners are now expected to vote on the host cities in May 2016.

Mayor Mitch Landrieu issued a statement about the Super Bowl bid.

"We are thankful for the invitation to bid on hosting the Super Bowl in 2019 and 2020. No other city in America has a better, more experienced hospitality industry and public safety team dedicated to hosting major events. New Orleans has hosted some of the best, most successful Super Bowl games in recent memory, and we look forward to submitting a competitive bid to continue that history of excellence."

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