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City and state leaders weigh in on released convicts in New Orleans

A Senate Judicial Committee has asked Williams to appear in a special hearing in September.

NEW ORLEANS — “I am more than willing to have a conversation with anyone who wants to discuss what we’re doing in New Orleans because we are doing it differently,” Orleans Parish District Attorney Jason Williams said.

Earlier this week, Republican Senator Jay Morris expressed concerns over the large number of inmates resentenced or released in recent months.

“About the middle of last week, I started getting a couple of texts and calls from people who had the concern that there were an inordinate number of inmates who had been convicted in New Orleans that were being released,” Louisiana State Senator Jay Morris said.

According to Morris, in recent months 157 New Orleans inmates were released, because of resentencing and post-conviction relief. A list obtained by WWL Louisiana showed dozens of cases taken up just since March.

“Murder, attempted murder, maybe some rapes, armed robbery was a big one. So, we’re going through the list,” Morris said.

As of August 1st, a new law will allow Louisiana’s Attorney General to appeal resentencing.

“The concern that has been expressed to me is that they were trying to get all this done under the wire, so to speak,” Morris said.

NOPD Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick weighed in on Friday, saying the NOPD and DA’s office are partners, working together for justice.

“Yes, there’s always a concern that people will recidivate, however, people paid their dues and now they’re out,” NOPD Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick said. “Many people do restore, and so if we say we believe in restorative justice, we need to practice it.”

Williams says he plans to hold a press conference sometime early next week.

“We have worked really hard with our partners to bring crime down,” Williams said.

A Senate Judicial Committee has asked Williams to appear in a special hearing in September.

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RELATED: Committee hearing scheduled over concerns of released convicts in New Orleans

Video: Legislative Criminal Justice Committee concerned over post-conviction relief

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