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Post on X draws attention after ride-share driver falls in sewer hole on Kerlerec Street

A post on X details how a ride-share driver fell down the hole when assisting someone during a pickup. The manhole is now covered with a large cone and caution tape.

NEW ORLEANS — A tweet on X about an uncovered sewer hole is gaining traction. The person who made the post said their ride-share driver fell inside of the uncovered hole during a pick-up. Residents and business owners are calling it a safety hazard.

It's a problem about 9 feet deep on Kerlerec Street in the Marigny neighborhood of New Orleans. An uncovered drain manhole with only one cone posted beside it.

"I would prefer that they show more of a barrier around that because obviously if you're just seeing a cone, it's kind of difficult to see the manhole unless somebody brings attention to it," said James Kinard, Hostel Manager.

The passenger side tire of a vehicle less than one foot away from the uncovered hole as it travels down Kerlerec Street. A post on X details how a ride-share driver fell down the hole when assisting someone during a pickup.

City officials said a request to cover the manhole was submitted to the Department of Public Works on Jul. 3.

Kinard, the manager of a bed and breakfast in front of the manhole said he just recently noticed the cone.

"It's definitely a safety hazard. We have travelers coming from all over the world," Kinard said. "People go out to have a good time so obviously when you're coming back after a good time, you're probably not that aware of it. An uncovered manhole is not something that should be a concern for people."

We reached out to the Department of Public Works asking about the manhole.

The department responded stating, "We have verified that the issue has been inspected and forwarded to the Department of Public Works for further review and next steps."

On the morning of Aug. 2., a manhole was uncovered with a small Cone sitting beside it. WWL reached out to the Department of Public Works. Later that afternoon on Kerlerec St., a large cone covered the manhole with yellow tape attached.

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