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Leah Chase School celebrates opening with ribbon-cutting

Classes begin Aug. 6 for first through fifth grade, with kindergarten starting the next week. The Leah Chase School hopes to enroll 320 students.

NEW ORLEANS — It's being called a milestone. In February, after hearing from parents, students, and the community, the board of NOLA Public Schools, decided to offer families a different option for education.

And in this short time, it's become a reality.

The Frederick Douglass High School band kicked off the celebration in traditional second-line New Orleans style, for the first, permanent, direct-run, traditional school in nearly two decades in the Crescent City. 

“This school represents NOLA Public Schools' deep commitment to creating an environment where every scholar can thrive,” said NOLA Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams.

The old Lafayette Academy will house the new school, named after an icon, the late Leah Chase.

“This lady was a pioneer. She was a leader in civil rights. She stood for what was right,” said Leila Jacobs Eames, Vice President of the board of NOLA Public Schools.

“In the 60s, she was comfortable, and she didn't have to host freedom riders," New Orleans City Councilman Eugene Green. "She didn’t have to take a chance that some people were going to come in and break up the meetings, and disparage the reputation of her business, because she was focused on community development,” he said.

One of 14 children, Chef Leah Chase was known to change the world over a bowl of gumbo. Disney immortalized her as Princess Tiana in Princess and the Frog, but what the family remembers is that education was paramount.

“My mother felt education was the key to success, and that if we did not educate our children well, provide for them a quality education, then we have failed as a community,” said Stella Chase Reese, Leah’s daughter.

As a trailblazer and entrepreneur, she believed you start with what you have, where you are, and make things happen, and never feel satisfied.

“My mother dreamt big," Chase Reese said. "She had a vision from the time that she was young, but she knew that her vision and her success could not happen without a quality education, but I will tell you, my mother was no-nonsense. OK? She did not believe in failure at all. In fact, as a child when I would say, ‘Mother I can't.’ ‘Can’t? That word's not even in the dictionary,’” Reese remembers her mother answering back.

And that's the blueprint set for the new school, to make it of national high quality, where children thrive physically, academically, and mentally, and are prepared for civic, social, and economic success.

“This is an exciting day for all of us who believe education is a way out of poverty,” said Julius Feltus, Senior Advisor for Community Relations for Mayor LaToya Cantrell.

Classes begin Aug. 6 for first through fifth grade, with kindergarten starting the next week. The Leah Chase School hopes to enroll 320 students. Already as of Jul. 29, 290 students had enrolled.

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Video: A preview of The Leah Chase School

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