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New Orleans Firefighters say thieves are putting the public in danger

The fire department says people are stealing vital equipment to make a quick buck, but that equipment helps battle fires.

New Orleans Firefighters say thieves are putting the public in danger. The fire department says people are stealing specific hose connections, that help battle fires. The department says possibly thousands of these connections have been stolen.

While others run from danger, firefighters are the ones who rush into the flames, NOFD Chief, Zachary Gremillion said, "What this does is supply water throughout the building for the purpose of fighting fires."

Firefighters are ready to save us when we're in need, but they can only protect us if they have access to water to battle the flames. 

The Chief said, "What is being stolen is these connections the swivel right here, they're detaching screws from the FDC connection which makes it virtually impossible for the New Orleans Fire Department and personal to attach a hose to supply the system."

Chief Gremillion says connections like these are being stolen across the Central Business District and throughout the French Quarter, he says these connections are crucial when battling a blaze.

"If there's a fire on the upper floor of the building they would catch this connection, they would attach a hose to this connection and they would attach the standpipe and they would attach the sprinkler system," he said.

He says thieves are exploiting people's safety for their own hip pocket, saying, "They're worth money and scrap metal, right now brass is going for $2 a pound, they're also stealing the ones made of steal as well."

Jessica Taylor Pash works in the Quarter, it just so happens that next door to her workplace, one of these connections was vandalized. She said, "It really bothers me... Are you really like going to steal that for $2, you know where someone's life is priceless, really $2."

She went on to say, "With these being stolen and god forbid there's a fire, firefighters can't do their jobs."

Firefighters risk their lives every day to save others, but their ability to protect our community is in danger. Chief Gremillion said, "Do not steal these connections, and for those that are purchasing from scrap metal do not purchase the scrap metal."

Without vital equipment, our firefighters face a growing threat that could impact not only their safety but everyone's. Taylor-Pash said, "Stop, really stop, you're preventing firefighters from doing their jobs... Be smart don't be dumb."

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