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500 fortified roof grants available to some Louisiana homeowners

The application will open at noon on Oct. 2, and the state insurance department said grants will be given out on a first-come, first-serve basis.


The Louisiana insurance commissioner has plans to give up to $10,000 in first-round grants to 500 homeowners for fortified roofs, according to a department press release on Wednesday.

The application is only open to Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance policyholders. The application period for the grant will open at noon on Oct. 2, and money will be given out on a first-come-first-serve basis. 

"Limiting the approximately 1,500 grants to Louisiana Citizens will provide relief to those policyholders who are paying the highest premiums and will help depopulate Citizens," Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon said on Wednesday. "Which is in the best interest of all property insurance policyholders."

Those looking to apply for the fortified roof grants have been asked to make a profile online before Oct. 2 at www.ldi.la.gov/fortifyhomes.

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