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Krewe of Terreanians 2022 parade route and start time

The Krewe is one of a litany of Houma parades this Carnival season.
Credit: WWL-TV

HOUMA, La. — The Krewe of Terreanians will roll in Houma on Sunday, Feb. 27 as one of a handful of Houma parades this season.

From its web site: In 1950, a group of prominent Houma businessmen informally gathered together for the purpose of starting a new carnival club. Those informal meetings were held at the Mayfair Club on Main Street in Houma. Later that year, the first official meeting was held in the city courtroom in the courthouse following a pre-organization meeting at the office of Dr. Arthur Anisman. The purpose of the club was to bring to the City of Houma the splendor and beauty of a night carnival parade for the first time. At this meeting, officers were elected and the name of the club was decided by popular vote. The founding officers were Frank King, President; Merkle B. Kornegay, Vice-President; Ernest Bille, Secretary and Treasurer. The first Captain of the Krewe of Terreanians was Dr. Arthur Anisman. By parade time, the Krewe of Terreanians had incorporated as The Greater Houma Carnival Club, Inc.


Credit: WWL-TV

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