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CBS Poll: Americans say N.O. deserves more federal aid for Katrina

Most Americans say New Orleans deserves more federal aid, five years after Hurricane Katrina,
Credit: WWL

NEW ORLEANS - Most Americans say New Orleans deserves more federal aid, five years after Hurricane Katrina, according to a new national poll by CBS News.

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The national media is spread out across New Orleans this week to tell the story of how the region is doing, five years after Hurricane Katrina and the levee breaks that followed, devastated the city and scattered a population.

While evidence of rebuilding is hard to miss, there is a public perception that the city is still on the mend.

According to a new national poll, conducted by CBS News, more than half of those surveyed, 52 to 35 percent, don't think New Orleans has recovered from the disaster.

City council president Arnie Feilkow says he's not surprised.

'This is still a city that has great challenges,' said Feilkow. 'We are still recovering. While it's recovering, it is also a city that is implementing I think very beneficial reforms that are going to pay dividends for years to come.'

The CBS poll reflects that long-term optimism for the city.

63 percent of those surveyed said the city will eventually recover.34-percent disagreed.

'Certainly, there's still work to be done, but progress is clear,' said Boeing CEO Dennis Mullenberg.

Mullenberg was in New Orleans Friday, to dedicate the site of the new Freedom Pavilion at the National World War Two Museum.

Boeing donated $15 million to the project.

'It's great to see the resurgence and I think everybody's impressed by the confidence of the city and the recovery that we've seen,' said Mullenberg.

New Orleans convention and visitors bureau head Steve Perry says that's the story he's hearing in most of the Katrina plus five news coverage.

'The city has truly made tremendous strides in recovery across a lot a different platforms while at the same time though, showing the challenges that are left,' said Perry.

The CBS poll also shows most people believe the federal government could have done more to help the city.

And, most people, 60 to 30 percent say New Orleans should receive more money to help rebuild.'We've invested $14 billion, that is not enough, but it was a start to build the kind of protection that this city and this region deserves,' said Senator Mary Landrieu, D-Louisiana.

Local leaders admit convincing congress and the Obama Administration to continue sending large chunks of money to the city to keep up the pace of rebuilding will be more difficult with the passage of time post-Katrina.

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