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Jefferson Parish Schools propose property tax millage | How much will it cost you?

According to the district, the millage would increase the pay scale for certified teachers by $8,300.

JEFFERSON PARISH, La. — If you live in Jefferson Parish, come December, when you head to the polls, you'll see another proposition to vote on—a tax millage. The millage was decided on by the Jefferson Parish School District in an attempt to raise teacher and staff salaries. 

"We’ve exhausted every internal aspect we have [the millage] is the next step to get us over that hurdle," Superintendent James Gray said. 

According to Gray, the district's teacher shortage is improving, but they still have some ways to go. He says, they also want to stay competitive. He's hoping the millage will get them there. 

"Part of the problem is our retirement rates have steadied a little bit but the number of people going into the field of education is not keeping up so this gap is going to get bigger as time goes on," Gray said. 

So how much will the property tax millage cost you if it passes?

If your home is valued at $250,000 and you have a homestead exemption, you'll pay $15.88 more a month. If you're home is valued at $400,000 and you have a homestead exemption, you'll pay $29.49 more a month. 

According to the district, the millage would increase the pay scale for certified teachers by $8,300. The pay scale for non-certified teachers would increase by $4,900 and other full-time staff pay scale would increase by $2,000. 

We asked Gray why residents should vote in favor of the millage considering how expensive everything already is. He says it's a small sacrifice now for a big payoff. 

"Sometimes you have to put in an investment today for it to pay off in the future and I look at this as an investment in our future. It’s a small minor pain point now but it’s going to pay huge dividends in the long run," Gray said. 

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