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Ordinance to limit Jefferson Parish Inspector General public comment is on hold

Council members delayed a vote to pass the ordinance after the Inspector General’s Office asked for more time.

JEFFERSON PARISH, La. — An ordinance to limit Jefferson Parish’s Inspector General’s communication with the media is on hold for now.

Council members delayed a vote to pass the ordinance after the Inspector General’s Office asked for more time.

The Council agreed but said Inspector General Kim Chatelain can’t speak with media until the vote early next year.

This comes after a months-long public battle between Chatelain and the councilmembers.

“Her job is not to be the media’s friend, but to protect our parish and this ordinance makes sure she does that,” Jefferson Parish Councilmember Arita Bohannan said.

In September, Chatelain issued a public letter about a proposed $10 million Gretna Brew Pub and parking garage that would be taxpayer-funded but said it would bring little to no direct tax revenue back to Jefferson Parish.

After the ordinance was proposed, Inspector General's offices from across the country spoke out against it.

“When we got letters of concern from across the country and even in Canada," Jefferson Parish Council Member At Large Jennifer Van Vranken said. "People clearly were saying they were fearful this was a measure that would weaken the Inspector General’s Office,” she said.

The Council will revisit the vote on Jan.15.

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