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Confirmation hearing erupts into heated dialogue between New Orleans councilmembers

Councilmembers Oliver Thomas and JP Morrell spent about five minutes talking over each other in a heated exchange.

NEW ORLEANS — Focus Wednesday was supposed to be on the Interim NOPD Chief Anne Kirkpatrick, as she laid out her plans for the department during her confirmation hearing. But instead of dialogue between Kirkpatrick and the council, an argument ensued amongst two councilmembers. 

Councilmembers Oliver Thomas and JP Morrell spent about five minutes talking over each other in a heated exchange. It started after multiple councilmembers showed support for former Interim Chief Michelle Woodfork. They asked if Woodfork can stay on as a high ranking official. 

"It'll be a huge asset we'll lose if she's knocked down two levels," Councilman Freddie King said. 

Councilmember Thomas was seemingly unhappy with the conversation, saying it sounded as if Kirkpatrick was already confirmed. 

"I thought we were going through a confirmation or not confirmation process. What I'm hearing is already that there's a concession or some deals that have been made," Thomas said. 

Morrell then had his turn. 

"What I would highlight to you is the selection panel when it sent its final 3 or 4 candidates up, sent all 3 up and that panel put an asterisk next to chief Woodfork and said that she needed further training and further opportunity," Morrell said. 

Then the argument ensued with each saying the other was out of order. Claims of conspiracy theories were thrown out. The crowd began clapping and agreeing while other councilmembers tried to stop the dispute. 

The hearing eventually moved forward with public comment. 

We reached out to both councilmembers for comment Thursday. Coucilmember Morrell's team declined. Councilmember Thomas said "I'm tired of it! God bless him and I'm here if he needs me!"

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