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Clancy's Commentary: State Treasurer refusing to let Bank of America serve as a state fiscal agent

State Treasurer accuses Bank of America of discrimination, citing its “E-S-G” investment policy that takes into account environmental, social and governance policies

NEW ORLEANS — I remember when conservatives were all about economic development and competition. Nowadays, too many of them care more about culture wars.

Case in point: Louisiana Treasurer John Fleming.

He’s refusing to let Bank of America become one of the dozens of state fiscal agents. He falsely accuses B-O-A of discrimination, citing its “E-S-G” investment policy that takes into account environmental, social and governance policies. Truth is many financial institutions have adopted E-S-G investment policies.

Bank of America also handles billions of dollars for oil and gas companies and religious nonprofits. More important, B-O-A recently opened branches in Louisiana, creating jobs and competition for our dollars.

Instead of welcoming B-O-A, Fleming has insulted them — and us — with cheap political theater. And he calls himself a conservative.

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