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Clancy's Commentary: Running for office now a sprint

When qualifying closes at 4:30 Thursday afternoon, voters will have just 65 days to scrutinize candidates.

NEW ORLEANS — Running for office in Louisiana used to be a marathon. Nowadays, it’s a sprint. 

When qualifying closes at 4:30 Thursday afternoon, voters will have just 65 days to scrutinize candidates. 

Considering how many voters don’t pay close attention until after Labor Day, the campaign window is only 40 days.

That’s not much time for voters to make some of the most important decisions of the next four years. The ballot in most parishes will be long. 

In addition to seven statewide offices and races for the state House and Senate, most voters also will choose parish presidents, council or police jury members, assessors, clerks and other local officials.

If the price of liberty is eternal vigilance, we have a lot of work to do.

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