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Clancy: La. legislature's confusing veto-override session is all about politics

State lawmakers plan to take a break from their current session to convene another session to override Gov. Edwards' veto of the new Congressional district maps.

NEW ORLEANS — The title of a popular 1970s song, called "Ball of Confusion," fairly well sums up the Louisiana Legislature right now. 

Republican legislative leaders are recessing the annual session to convene a "veto override" session at noon tomorrow. A few days later, they plan to reconvene the regular session.

If you're wondering how lawmakers can hold two sessions at one time, you're not alone. It's never been done before, and some question if it's constitutional.

How did things get so sideways? That's simple: politics. Gov. John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, vetoed new congressional district maps that legislative Republicans drew last month. Edwards' foes hope to override his veto and embarrass the governor politically. 

As usual, the confusion is all about politics.

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