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Additional home COVID tests available at NOLA Public Libraries: officials

The city of New Orleans Health Department will provide all remaining test kits in stock to residents today at select New Orleans Public Libraries.


All giveaway sites are now OUT of home COVID tests. The New Orleans Health Department gave out nearly 6,000 kits today between fire stations and libraries.

  1. Main Library, 219 Loyola Avenue
  2. Alvar Library, 913 Alvar Street
  3. Central City Library @ Allie Mae Williams Multi-Service Center, 2020 Jackson Avenue
  4. Children's Resource Center Library, 913 Napoleon Avenue
  5. East New Orleans Regional Library, 5641 Read Boulevard
  6. Cita Dennis Hubbell Library, 725 Pelican Avenue
  7. Norman Mayer Library, 3001 Gentilly Boulevard

New Orleans' take-home COVID test giveaway was supposed to last until 4 p.m. Wednesday and continue into Thursday, but it ended less than 90 minutes before it began.

Beginning 8 a.m. Wednesday, COVID tests were available at four fire stations across New Orleans, but they ran out by 9:15 a.m., New Orleans officials tell WWLTV's Erika Ferrando. More than 1,700 take-home COVID tests were given away between the four locations, officials said.

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