All giveaway sites are now OUT of home COVID tests. The New Orleans Health Department gave out nearly 6,000 kits today between fire stations and libraries.
- Main Library, 219 Loyola Avenue
- Alvar Library, 913 Alvar Street
- Central City Library @ Allie Mae Williams Multi-Service Center, 2020 Jackson Avenue
- Children's Resource Center Library, 913 Napoleon Avenue
- East New Orleans Regional Library, 5641 Read Boulevard
- Cita Dennis Hubbell Library, 725 Pelican Avenue
- Norman Mayer Library, 3001 Gentilly Boulevard
New Orleans' take-home COVID test giveaway was supposed to last until 4 p.m. Wednesday and continue into Thursday, but it ended less than 90 minutes before it began.
Beginning 8 a.m. Wednesday, COVID tests were available at four fire stations across New Orleans, but they ran out by 9:15 a.m., New Orleans officials tell WWLTV's Erika Ferrando. More than 1,700 take-home COVID tests were given away between the four locations, officials said.
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