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NOLA schools reassessing in-person learning

They are reviewing health trends now and will make an announcement about whether to adjust reopening plans next week.

NEW ORLEANS — NOLA Public Schools is reassessing to determine if in-person learning can move forward this fall. NOLA Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Henderson Lewis and New Orleans Health Director Dr. Jennifer Avegno said in a virtual news conference Tuesday morning they are concerned with rising COVID-19 cases. 

"We may have to keep buildings closed again if the health data trends require us to do so," Lewis said. 

While NOLA Public Schools' Roadmap to Reopening allows in person schooling in Phase 2, plans are fluid and will adjust if needed. 

"Three weeks ago I would have said no question," Avegno said about the possibility of returning to school. "Now, I think we need to look at the trends in the next few weeks."

They are reviewing health trends now and will make an announcement about whether to adjust reopening plans next week.

"Reassess current data and recommend any adjustments that need to be made to the current plans given current health threats," Avegno explained. "There may and probably will be unexpected changes along the way."

Also announced Tuesday, NOLA Public Schools hired a medical advisor, Dr. Benjamin Stringgate, to help navigate the reentry process.

All schools are getting kits with PPE supplies. Starting next week, and over the next few weeks, Orleans Parish public schools will receive a kit with the following supplies: 

•    4,800-9,200 Disposable and reusable face masks per site

•    200-750 Face shields per site

•    8,000-16,000 Nitrile gloves per site

•    10 Gallons of hand sanitizer and 20 hand sanitizer stations per site

•    4 No-touch thermometers per site 

•    40 Thermal-insulated food storage bags per site

•    40 Gallons of disinfectants per site

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