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No regret for woman originally hesitant about COVID-19 vaccine

One woman is sharing her message to do the research and get vaccinated

NEW ORLEANS — There's still some hesitancy about getting a COVID-19 vaccine. People may be worried about how they'll react to it, its effectiveness and if it's safe. Those were all concerns one New Orleans resident had. She spoke with Eyewitness News about her concern and why she ultimately decided to get one.

For a while, Carol Lewis wasn't sure about getting a COVID-19 shot. 

"I was skeptical by taking the shot because I have asthma and I heard so many things about it," she said.

She was struggling. You see, pre-pandemic, Lewis was extremely active. However, the lockdown took that away.

"I love doing gardening work," she said. "I love riding my bike, just being out. I can stay outside all day but because of the pandemic I had to stay inside and that wasn't for me."

She wanted desperately to get some normalcy back but just wasn't sold on the vaccines. That is until she looked into it.

"I had a lot of church members had taken the shot, and my brother and sister had taken the shot," she said. "And I kind of researched myself and I knew taking the shot I would have the opportunity to get out of the house and I was looking forward to doing that."

She's now fully vaccinated, feeling great, and dancing about it. She's now made it her mission to tell anyone who'll listen, there's no reason to be hesitant. She's even helping at her church's vaccine events.

"I do think it helps getting people feel safe about taking the vaccine," said Heather Diaz.

Friend and Humana Health Educator, Heather Diaz, says the work Lewis is doing is saving lives.

"People want to hear what's the real deal," said Diaz. "Sometimes they hear so many different things on the news, on social media, hearing from Miss. Carol, they get the real lowdown on what to expect."

Lewis though, said she just tells people her experience.

"If you take a chance on anything else, take a chance," Lewis said.

Not everyone is persuaded, and Lewis is okay with that. However, she does hope they'll consider it, and give the shot, a shot.

Lewis said she experienced a sore arm after getting vaccinated. She now feels better being outside and doing the things she did pre-pandemic.

If you would like more information about the Humana Neighborhood Center, their website is: www.humananeighborhoodcenter.com

The Humana Neighborhood Center website has links to many free health and wellness classes, including an on-demand class called COVID-19 Vaccine: Get the Facts and an upcoming class called Anxiety: Managing Worries and Fears.

The Humana Neighborhood Center in Metairie is normally open to the public but is still temporarily closed. Meanwhile, you can call 504-840-0906 to ask for tips on how to prevent social isolation and learn about additional community resources and classes.

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