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‘No one wants to see this’ : Orleans DA says OJJ didn’t notify him after sentenced juvenile escapes

In August 2019, Lynell Reynolds, then 13 years old, was sentenced for the shooting that left then-21-year-old Darrelle Scott, paralyzed from the waist down.

NEW ORLEANS — Orleans Parish District Attorney Jason Williams says he wasn't notified after a juvenile defendant sentenced for attempted murder, was transferred to a less secure facility, and then escaped.

In August 2019, Lynell Reynolds, then 13 years old, was sentenced for the shooting that left then-21-year-old Darrelle Scott, paralyzed from the waist down and confined to a wheelchair.

"Friday, my office discovered that a juvenile defendant, recently released from secure custody by the Court, escaped after release. The defendant was previously confined in OJJ custody on an attempted second-degree murder charge,” Williams said in a statement released Sunday.

“Following a sentence modification by an Orleans Parish Juvenile Court Judge, the defendant was released to a non-secure care at the program in Lake Charles. This juvenile’s release occurred over the objections of our prosecutors. Regrettably, my office was not made aware of the escape by the court or the Office of Juvenile Justice.”

Dorothy White, the grandmother of Darrelle Scott, tells WWL-TV that the OJJ informed her of Reynolds’ escape on Friday, nearly ten days after he had escaped custody.

“No one wants to see this. This unfortunate incident should not be held out as an example of what will occur every time someone is released. This isn’t a gotcha moment or opportunism. We are on record clearly objecting to any juvenile system stakeholder affecting the release of offenders for any purpose without a contradictory hearing and full consideration of the risks involved. And we strongly re-urge our partners to work with us to prevent this from happening,” Williams said.

He continued, “My office contacted the survivor, as soon as we learned of the escape. The grandmother of this paralyzed survivor has faithfully attended every hearing on this matter. We objected to furloughs and early release from secure care due to the violent nature of the offense and threat of harm felt by this victim's family.”

Reynolds remains at large according to Williams.

“We sincerely hope Lynell Reynolds is apprehended without any harm or injury to community members or law enforcement. Any individual found to have aided and abetted the defendant after his escape will face criminal charges.”

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